Security Settings 2 0

Last updated on Apr 15, 2018 10:13 in Product » Best Support System » Admin Panel » Admin Settings
Posted BySupervisor

There are two settings here :

  1. Admin User Settings:
    You can set admin user back lock security here. If you want to set, if a user missed login  5times then the user will be locked for 30min then you have to put 5 in first text box and 30 in second text .There is a button name
    Show Locked User List.
    if you press this then you will get list of locked user list.

  2. Site security :
    It's you application security for DoS attack. If you want to set, when 10 request in 10 seconds come from a ip then captcha will show on that IP then you have to put 10 in first textbox and 10 in second text box and check the radio button named show chaptcha. you can choose block ip as well.
    There is a button name Show IP List. if you press this then you will get ip list which has been auto added or locked or in show captcha state.

** The time is base on America/New_York timezone