Step 1:
Support system will redirect to your defined URL with your defined Parameters.
Step 2:
After success login your sever have to redirect to this server’s which URL you will get on add remote login setup with a token.
Step 3:
It will called internally (Using PHP Curl) to your server validation link (your defined) with Private key & that token. Both will be in post param.
$_POST = array(“private_key”=>”Your defined key”, “token”=> “received token”);
If your server will print a json response which sample is given below, then this system will logged in that user:
If data false then
"type":"C", // C=Client, A=Admin
type is defined client or admin
if type C then the response for client and if type A then response for admin.
If date true then
"type":"C", // C=Client, A=Admin
"first_name": "John ",
"last_name":" Doe",
"is_verified_email" : "Y",
"custom":["custom1":"custom1 value","custom2":"custom2value",....]
Data Properties Details
Property |
Is Required |
Length |
first_name |
Yes |
Max String Length 100 |
last_name (optional) |
No |
Max String Length 100 |
email |
Yes |
Max String Length 100 |
is_verified_email (optional) |
No |
Char 1 (Y or N) |
gender (optional) |
No |
Max String Length 6 |
phone (optional) |
No |
Max String Length 20 |
address (optional) |
No |
Max String Length 255 |
city (optional) |
No |
Max String Length 100 |
zip (optional) |
No |
Max String Length 20 |
country (optional) |
No |
Max String Length 2 Like (US, AU,etc) |
dob (date of birth) (optional) |
No |
String (YYYY-MM-DD) |
photo_url (optional) |
No |
Max String Length 150 |
custom |
No |
it's key value array of custom fields |
That's it